On the Record

Notable Presentations and Tradeshows:

2023 ASLA- Deep Dive Biodiverse Green Roofs

2020 FEATURED in Living Architecture Monitor

2019 Grey to Green, Minneapolis, MN

2019 ASLA Central States, St. Louis, MO

2018 Greenbuild, Chicago, IL

2018 Green Roofs Cities Alive, NYC

2016 November 3 Green Roof Cities Alive 14th annual Conference, Washington DC

2016 November 1 Stormwater Technical Workshop, Washington DC

2016 October 5 Sustainable Communities Conf, Dubuque, IA

2016 August 9 USGBC-MN Chapter, Lunch and Learn format Minneapolis, MN

2016 July 28 Stormwater Professionals Connections, La Crosse, WI.

2016 March 24 Stormwater Design Charette, St Paul MN.

2015 October 1, 4pm at Penfield Apartments, St Paul MN. TOURS of the Green Roofs!

2015  September 14, 10:30 am at Concordia University. Plenary Guest by Dr. Benjamin Harrison

2015 Pollinator Summit, August 13, 2pm at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Angie will once again hit the stage! Her topic will be on growing plants for pollinators in unique places.  http://www.arboretum.umn.edu/Pollinators2015.aspx

2015 Greenroofs.com Virtual Summit! Angie will be available for Q & A on Friday, April 10, 1:30 CST to discuss her presentation called Pollinators on Parapets.  Here’s the trailer preview!  And to follow up from the summit, Linda Velazquez wrote an excellent summary of the presentation in her Sky Gardens blog!

2015 April 26, 4pm EcoFest in Rochester, MN. A 30 minute vegetated roof overview to get you excited about what is possible on the roof!

2015 February 25 from 7:45-9:15 am International Roofing Expo.  1.5 hours of green roof knowledge!

Industry Publications:

Subscribe to our Blog! Angie tries to post monthly! Here is the direct link: http://adgreenroof.blogspot.com/

ENR- October 2017 ‘One Water’

Sustainable City Network- September 2015 Urban Growth and Habitat Preservation

Twin Cities Business Journal- May 2015 Target Center

Living Architecture Monitor – Fall 2014- “Encouraging Women Leadership” page 34-35

Bees, Solar, and Green Roof survey in Minneapolis AD Greenroof is participating!

NEW!! St. Paul Pioneer Press featured in Sunday Business  or  http://www.twincities.com/business/ci_25250250/one-woman-business-thrives-by-nurturing-twin-cities

Living Architecture Monitor- Spring 2014 GRP Profile highlighted , page 12

St. Paul SCORE: Local Success Story Feature

Twin Cities Business Journal 

Living Architecture Monitor – Fall 2012 –Industry Leaders Discuss Green Roof Failures, pages 4-6

School Planning & Management – November 2011 – Trends In Green: New School Of Thought, page 12.

Colliers International Summer 2011 Issue

Facility Care – November/December 2011 – Green Roofs: Once a novelty, now becoming a necessity, pages 22-23.

WaterWorld – Volume 27, Issue 4 – Green Roof Professional: What Does It Mean?

Authored Peer Reviewed Research:

The Michigan State University, Department of Horticulture has done amazing work in the field of green roof research! Dr. Brad Rowe heads up the program. With a newly updated website, you can find all their publications and current work. www.hrt.msu.edu/greenroof

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1361 – Effects of low-impact-development (LID) practices on streamflow, runoff quantity, and runoff quality in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts—A Summary of field and modeling studies, 2010


July 17, 2014 NOON (CST) NRCA Webinar Recording:  If you are not a member and would like to see this awesome presentation, NRCA has offered a limited time to review for free! GREENROOF is the code and expires on 8/30/14. The webinar will still be on the NRCA website after that time, and anyone can access it for $55. National Roofing Contractors Association University .

August 31, 2014 Minnesota State Fair, the Great Get Together at the Eco-Experience Building

June 19, 2014 MN Green Roof Market Development at Hamline University in conjunction with GRHC and MN Green Roofs Council
2013 International Low Impact Development Symposium St. Paul, MN. August 18-21, 2013

Iowa State University, Guest Lecture online Green Roofs Course by Dr. Jennifer Bousselot

Concordia University, Guest Lecture by Dr. Benjamin Harrison

2013 Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Conference San Francisco, CA. October 23-26

Barnard College, Department of Biology – Green Roof Science Symposium – April 2012 – “Practical Applications of Urban Green Roofs: A Discussion of Designs, Product Delivery, Installation and Maintenance

International Roofing Expo – February 2009 – The Science of Vegetative Roofing: Introduction, Sustainability & Practice

Even On The Radio!:

Animal Wise Radio – from January 13, 2012 – Podcast Available Free at iTunes

Be sure to follow Angie Durhman and AD Greenroof LLC at LinkedIn for up-to-date publications.

AD Greenroof LinkedIn